This is me…
Family life
I am a wife to my best friend and a mom to four sassy, smart, and beautiful girls. We are a proud blended family. I know firsthand how it is to struggle with finding harmony between family life and the call to lead and be a professional outside of the home. I have also faced and overcame the challenges of being a single mom of two. I have learned that prioritizing leading well in our homes will lay a strong foundation for us to lead others well wherever we are called.
Career & Ministry
I never saw myself as a leader. I thought I was the least likely candidate until a coach and mentor helped to shift my view of myself and what leadership really is about. My leadership journey started as an educator. I have spent the past two decades serving in the roles of teacher, administrative dean, assistant principal, principal, and now director of instruction. I have also served as an associate pastor, bible teacher, and speaker for almost a decade. I moonlight as a host of the Overcome to Become podcast. A show that spotlights brave women leaders who share their overcoming stories and practical tools that will help you be well so you can lead well.
Wellness Journey
I can easily fall into sacrificing my well-being on the altar of serving and helping others. After wrestling with a sobering health diagnosis, I was faced with the choice of finally choosing to focus on my mental, physical, and emotional wellness. As a leader we cannot give what we do not have and we cannot ask people to go places we are unwilling to go ourselves. We are at our best when we lead and serve from the overflow of who we really are, not the empty cup of who we want others to believe to be true about ourselves.
Let Me Help You Flourish
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Here’s a few more things you may find interesting about me
I grew up in a bi-cultural home. My mother is Korean and my dad is African American. I wrestled with my identity and figuring out where I belonged for a long time. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I really started to embrace how God intentionally and uniquely made me. I now know that he is a God who values multi-ethnicity.
My relationship with food was not healthy for a long time. I used food as a way to cope with unhealed hurts. Along my wellness journey, I have learned to repair my relationship with food and have become a die hard foodie. I will travel far and wide for good food that hugs my belly.
I am proof that our bodies are resilient. I never played a sport growing up. My love for running has grown over the years. I now participate in a few races a year—I love collecting the post-run medals. My favorite distance is the 10k. Running allows me the chance to take in all of God’s handiwork in nature and clear my mind.
-I'm an Enneagram 8, ENFJ, ambivert
-I love a variety of music.
-Laughter is my medicine.
-I'm an avid reader
-The beach is my happy place.
-I live for great robust conversations that stretch me and meaningful soul filling relationships.
-Collector of heels and sneakers